Regency Rose Gardening This section includes information I collected when doing my research for my Regency novels and I thought it might be fun to share. Big Note for Rose Lovers: I finally got my hands on a copy of Jules. Gravereaux's 1912 list of the roses grown at Malmaison, La Malmaison. les roses de l'impératrice Jospéhine. With that in hand, I'll be posting a list of those roses, along with other relevant information. Sadly, while there was never a list made of the roses grown at Malmaison during it's height, Gravereaux made the best attempt at creating such a list.. The list is under construction now and I'll be building it out over time. If you love roses, be sure to check it out: Roses Grown at Malmaison. Of course, since I am also the editor for my local rose society newsletter, much of this is geared toward gardening and roses! Sorry, I can't always control where my fancy will lead. Hope you find something of interest. Rose Gardening During the Regency Occasionally, I run into news articles as I research my Regency novels. Sometimes, they even lead to a novel. When I find them, it's fun to share them with my readers because sometimes the truth is stranger than the fiction derived from it.
Roses and Rose Gardening During the Regency